Can I come home?

I am hearing you really want to come home?

Yes I do. And when can I?

What is the rush?

I just really want to come home mom please can I come home?

I am hearing you, I hear you saying that you really want to come home. You probably really miss being home?

yes I do, so when I can come home?

So before I can answer your question I would really like it if you could tell me what is it that you miss the most at home?

I miss my bedroom my bed…….

Ok I am guessing you feel safe in your bedroom in your bed?

Mom please!!!!!what ever!!!!! can I just come home or what??? you don’t ever want me to come home?

When you use the words, “what ever” after I asked a question are you saying that you don’t want to answer my question, and all you really want at this point is my answer to your question when can I come home?

What ever mom, I get it, you just don’t want me to come home, I knew it.

I never used these words “I don’t want you to come home”.  I am however very curious in knowing  about this urge that you have to come home so bad. The last time I saw you I felt like I was the last person on earth you wanted to be around, can you explain to me what has changed since that moment?

I was angry then I am not angry anymore. Why can’t we just forget about it and move on?

That is a great question. My answer to your question is the following. When I get angry at someone I love and care about and I hurt them with my words, I break a piece of our relationship just like I would break a glass. My responsibility, then after I had a chance to calm down, and reflect on my behaviour and actions and realize how this  may have affected the relationship. I then look in my mind how I am going to repair the damages I made to the broken  piece in the relationship.

Do you think you were able to brainstorm and come up with some good repairing ideas? And if not do you think you could look at  that and talk to me about it in our next meeting?

To be continued……