I will concider this writing today a journal type, because I don’t write about one specific topic but more about how I am doing and what is alive in me at present. I have been on the begining journey of an intermittent fasting and the focus is being careful with my sugar level every time I eat. Sugar stops and is not welcome in my new journey the way it has been in the past.  There are different ways to bring the sugar level up that we may not be aware of in our today’s society. Over cooked vegetables brings the sugar level up. Certain fruits and dry fruit also brings the sugar level up. Flour potatoes rice also brings the sugar level up. What happens to my body when I consume ingredients which brings my sugar level to rise? The whole focus of digestion is reduced to work mostly on digesting the sugar and the rest that would be used to improve or mineral and vitamin level, our immune system and bone strength as well as the release of toxins,  has no attention and therefore the body benefits from a very low % of good nutrient to nourish itself to stay healthy. Intermittent fasting helps the digestive system to not be over loaded by food so it does it s job in a more effective way. So instead of having the digestive system over working and getting cluged up by ingesting food every 3 or 4 hours. I allow my system to relie on extra internal supplies to get what it needs and to get some rest on being overloaded with external supplies.

The sugar free eating habit I am learning to get into is ever so challenging and is hard. I use to get the energy and the comfort I needed to get through a day in my sweet matcha morning tea and other yummy sweet stuff all through the rest of my day. The last few days my body has been running low on energy and high on demanding it s sugar fix…. I feel a certain nervousness and more emotionally attached to other external opportunities to give me the comfort I use to get with sugar. Now what? Who can give me this comfort I use to draw out of sugar? What can be my replacement? My temptation is to turn my attention on ppl close to me to rescue me and give me  the level of comfort I am craving for, but that always gets me into trouble. Ppl mostly like to run the other way ounce they feel my desperation for something I try and get out of them. It is a high pressure full of expectations I put on my closed one to get their energy. When I am not successful at getting my energy fix from others I get upset and feel left out or unloved or unloveable. I am expecting and I desire that my body and my mind will soon be able get use to getting energy from itself. Right this moment I can not push myself to death any extras. I need to rest a lot. My body my mind seem to let me know that things are changing.