It is a lot easier to see in others what can not be seen within ourselves. And it is easier to observe ourselves through a lense of a perfect beeing and noticing all our weaknesses in the one closest to us. Everyday brings a situation with an observed action or words expressed in my loved one that seems to be ever so repetitive at times. After a while I am wondering if I am stock in an endless loop where nothing is ever going to move or change. I liked the repetitiveness when there is pleasure and peace involved, when we got ice cream or went for walks or had an endless connected talk, however when ever there was pain involved and what ever triggered the pain was repeating itself over and over again that was when I had to leap out of the box and in doing so I realized that even human beings just like machines runs programs whithin themselves. Once I became aware of one program being run throughout a daily routine I started noticing more and all I had to do was simply remind myself that the pain cause by that action was only a programming not more not less. Programming are easy to stop only when they are noticed and not given power. As I saw that a lot of my life was affected by programs I ran and programs others ran at that point I wasn’t able to figure out how to unplug my self from a program. Like I got into habit of doing every time I can’t figure out something I asked the part of me who has the answer for me to revel it to me. A week later  a friend who told me that she had been thinking about this exact same thing introduced me to this hypnosis regression designed to delete programs that are ran within ourselves