Syncronised…. Do you have beautiful rainbow days when everything seem to fall softly into your laps. You experience a smooth flow of light that brings a sense of ease and harmony. The lack of any type of resistance feels absolutely delightful. Not knowing how you even got to a place where everything and everyone is perfectly well connected and no efforts on your part is required. You have all answers with such clarity you feel light and ever so gentle, thinking life  is on your side today. The desire for everyday to be this peaceful seems possible and makes you smile, and everything smiles back at you. You radiate an energy of abundance nothing seems impossible. Anything you need is gently offered and you gently receive it. Every “no” turn into a happy “yes” I have these days too and I tought myself to call these days good days.

Good days creates bad days because this dimension of senses creates opposites, yes nothing new I landed in a world of polarities. So how can I remain in this constant state of gentle and connected flow?  Is that ever possible? Is that something worth experimenting?

A bad day for me would look this way…. An unnatural flow in all I do and say I feel this urge to get out of my skin. If someone triggers me I take it personally and I throw the pain back at them, in doing this I inject my blood with poison and only their reactions being thrown back at me will whisper to me a few hours later “what is your part in this imaginary drama? And only then I will remember to take some responsibility and only then I will feel compassion towards myself and others.  Between the minute that I am sensing a disconnect, pretty much soon after I wake up, with my external world and the minute I realize that the disconnect starts with me, I stumble, I make very clumsy moves that pushes my soul away and at this point I am thinking, I am trapped in this frozen state for ever and everything in my head is going really fast, no clarity in my thinking and my creative energy has very little oxygen and moves around heavily  like a dark and dense cloud.