Self absolutely loves this setting, not only looking at the moon and being one with all that IS, also just being in
this calm presence while talking walks in nature or doing yoga or simply sitting in nature. I. Have noticed that when ever I have one of these moments of deeply connecting with Self and nature and i feel so aligned and clear in my mind and heart my parts do absolutely everything to avoid doing this again….and I also notice that a part has a barricade up so I won’t even question or investigate to find out what is stock there …
I really need help with this.So a good question to ask would be, what is a good intention in doing absolutely everything to not do this again.
I asked my inner world and the answer came pretty fast and clear. The good intention is Protection love for the exiles. Doing this again… is threatening to the defense system in place who has been mainly operating for so long…. Huggggg…. Being in Self was how it was before the defense mechanism was put in place and being in Self was not safe for the little girl when growing up, so as much as we all love Self and what Self offers her authenticity her creativity her confidence her calm her gentleness, Self did not protect the little parts from adults around her who were functioning with their parts and being abusive, but the defense system protected the little girl from feeling pain and shame and sadness and this constant state of fear the little girl was in when around ppl operating from parts and not from Self….
My system became accustomed day after day to relying on parts and less with Self.
An ideal would be to return to the guidance that Self is and recreat a relationship by spending more time comnecting with Self letting parts know that it is sage and safe to do so.
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