Every single time I do a meditation after I close my eyes and scan through my bodylook out and  feel for the strongest sensations and allow the breath to soften any tension. I often notice a calm flow of awarness moving with ease through every part of the body after my breath visited them all then I notice that my  fit are cold  and I also notice  a strong pressure in my head. A pressure that I find very hard to release. This morning for the time I questioned this intense sensation at the side and back and also top part of the head. I asked what this energy was if it wanted to introduce itself to me and after a few second of silence images and more intense sensations where shown to me. That is when I realise that I have a frozen part located in my head that most of the time I am not aware of. Only when I meditate my awarness notices the part and what it feels. The bunch of images I saw who revealed the frozen part to me, were memories stack up together of when I was being emotionally tortured by parents.  The part was screaming inside for my dad or my mom to end the cruel and sadistic games they played with the little girl that I was. At the time I was not able to name the tension as pain in my head. This built up pressure inside that was very painful felt like a blocked nose not letting breath move in and out of the nasals. It also felt like there was so much noise inside like some was screaming so loud that my head was ready to explode. I thing I used a numbing part to help me tolarate this alive but frozen part and I walked through my life with it unconscious of its presence in me exepte when I meditated. I am beginning this awakening process with this located part in my head and I already feel softening and release of the tension by first acknowledging it is aliveness and asking it to speak to me.