Yesterday we attended our first virtual funeral. My husband’s grand mother from Holland past away last week at the age of 103. I was nicely surprise on how well organised this virtual event took place. My husband and I located in the States could be part of the celebration of Oma’s life.  We lit a candle and let a few tears of sadness and joy while listening to members of the family sharing the love they shared with Oma. We saw the whole ceremony so cleary the camera zoomed in and out from the back of the church precisely where our attention was required at any given moment.

The month before she past there was talks in the family that she was afraid of dying and that we had to give her an energetic boost of love to bring her to a safer place where she could allow herself to let go. This experience brought me closer to a part inside of me I had no idea existed who is also afraid of death and has been trying to get my attention ever time I go for a mammogram or such medical check up. This year I refused doing my routine check up and I just find out that the fear of finding out that I would have a cancer is paralising me and sabotaging opportunities for even early intervention if needs to be. I am happy that I came a step closer to this part and will make more attempt to connect with this part untill we can relax together…