Why am I still blended with my parts after over a year of working with an IFS therapist?

Here is a question that I am seeing quite a lot.

It sounds like the expectation to be in control of an internal system, that was taught to be out of control during early formative years, might be a little high. Without of course seeing that the question is most probably asked by an impatient part and unblending with the part by making a connection with it could be the perfect answer to this question.

Being blended with a part is not a good or a bad occurrence, it is an occurrence that needs my attention, connecting with, awareness.

I personally dont think that a human being can be unblended 24/7 365 for the rest of his or her life no matter how advanced one becomes with the practice of parts awarness.

Being Self lead is a journey. It opens our awareness to a level we have not been use too for so long. We ve been conditioned for a very very long time to have our parts in the drivers sit, so it ll take quite some time to have Self in the driver’s sit most of the time….

I would say that it is so amazing that you are aware of being blended… You are so new at it and for this reason it is so important to be ever so gentle with yourself. Have gentle and kind expectations on yourselves when noticing that your parts get at time out of control…. Noticing that by itself  is a big step forward ….. Pressing  the pause button  and connecting with the part talking and accepting parts and getting to know what the parts needs is also a big beautiful step … Consistency and infinite patience are two good friends to keep on our sides….