When Kimia was 6 years old she would come home from school after spending the whole day bathing with everyone around her in the english language, it became more and more natural for her to continue on talking to me in English and not in french like we normally would at home. Slowly it became a natural habit to speak more in English and less in french. By the time she was 12 her first language  had been fully replaced by her second language. I now find it very hard to talk to my daughter in french. The same goes with NVC which is a new language to me and using it all day long with anyone who is not at all familiar with it is very confusing and my tendency is to keep on going back to same old same old.

With my husband who could be the perfect subject for me to practice the NVC language with, I am actually finding it very unnatural and uncomfortable to  switch from using the language him and I have gotten accustom to, to communicate with each other for years now, to NVC .

My needs can be communicated my feelings can also be communicated