
By |2022-05-03T15:54:39+00:00April 28th, 2022|Uncategorized|

This post is dedicated to our 11 year bunny who was just euthanized this morning at 10am. Fluffy brought me so many gift by just being alive and even when she left. She is soooooo sweet. I had a hard time knowing if she was ok because most of the time she acted like a [...]

A part

By |2022-04-17T03:06:48+00:00April 17th, 2022|Uncategorized|

Since I have been more aware of different parts in my inner system I am getting a little better at noticing them showing up as thoughts and sometimes as tensions in my body. I am not always aware of how or when exactly my parts show up. However yesterday as I was waking up from [...]

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