Since I have been more aware of different parts in my inner system I am getting a little better at noticing them showing up as thoughts and sometimes as tensions in my body. I am not always aware of how or when exactly my parts show up. However yesterday as I was waking up from a nap. I was feeling pretty relaxed in my body and mind. Held by a let go mode and a sense of slowing down, quiet I was enjoying staying in this warm enveloping moment a little longer than I usual can. I still had my iPad screen on showing the program I was watching before I fell asleep. At that particular waking up moment I was looking at the screen but not watching the program, when a shadow suddenly appeared and covered the whole screen. I saw this head that no light was shinning upon. It felt invasive but so suddenly. This tiny meaningless occurrence happened so fast that all I was able to pay attention to and understand was “oooops something out of nowhere and unusual just happened here and is that safe? And at exactly half a second later the shadow face appeared I felt a presence in me suddenly appearing to alert me that something potentially threatening could be coming at me. Out of my control something in me was moving and letting me know it was in charge to get my attention. I was not yet blended with the part in me I am usually blended with which is a part that notices and scans for everything that happens or everything that is being said around me really fast. I could call that part my scanning for threats part who is always on alert tense and scared ready to protect me the best way it knows how.