My dad said … your mom and I have been married 50 years. Don’t you think if our relationship was like everyone calls it a bad relationship it would have lasted so long?

To that I say

I heard of people being kept in prison for 50 and more years for a crime they committed.

The power you used to prove the world yourself and your wife, wrong is the same power you used to hold you and your wife a prisoner in a relationship that keeps you a victim mentality.

They are couple who marry for filling an inner emptiness. Couples who marry to create and build together and once that s done they move on. There are couples who get together in the name of healing and to support this in each other no matter what.

There are couples who marry to form an army of defenses against the progress and the evolution they must journey on.

There are couples who marry to become allies in supporting secret self harming with filter on so no one can see how cruel you are to yourself and each other.

Your relationship from where I was standing as a child having witnessed it first hand, was fed enveloped by an invisible layer of poison