We are each other s mirror

We take each other to the place within where compassion needs to occur where the left over wounds cries for a healing attention.

Shame, those invisible nails in my body I notice around others I want to remove.

Good morning lost and scattered parts the needy one who are sure they can get something out of someone.

I’m not part of you scam anymore and you try to get me back.


I want to be full and empty at the same time

Full of that peace and full of that love that is felt when I have reconnected with a part in me who was left out and unloved for so long but suddenly remembered accepted and embraced and listened too.

Empty from all the dark noise of the harsh critics echoing a disturbing sound that leave me panicking wanting to get out of m and fast. Desperately looking for way out but can’t seem to find the sign that say emergency exit that way. Empty of what seems so messy. A maze inside my head.