I am the piece missing that I long for, the love that I locate then search in everyone around me.

The rest the stillness the quiet that speaks of wisdom and of peace that I am too.

The friendship, the attention, the adoration, that I crave for or that I think others have and I don’t, that also do I have, that also I am.

The wealth in the beauty of this divine music I hear that transports me beyond the senses that loose me into an empty space I think I have to suffer in to feel alive, that also I am….

The abundance in creative and loving energy I search for yet run away from that I am.

The joy the laughters the beauty and the ugly that I see all around that I am.

A free flow in all I do, a resistance to move trough.

That I am.

The way I step out of danger into a field that nourishes all the parts in me who starves for belonging. I am that.

The system I discover to free myself from burdens and trauma that I am.