About cecileb

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So far cecileb has created 109 blog entries.

Parts and meditation

By |2022-02-23T13:37:47+00:00February 22nd, 2022|Uncategorized|

I often struggled with the idea of stillness when I make attempts to meditate because I confused stillness with a state of being frozen and parts in me interpreted stillness has the opposite to being hyperactive or controlling that state of hyper-activeness and mold it into a false sense of stillness. Which looks very much [...]

Christmas presents triggers

By |2022-01-15T14:18:05+00:00January 15th, 2022|Uncategorized|

“My mom sent us a Christmas package by the post” B says all excited. I share in his excitement and look forward to the day the gift arrives at our house. On my way back home from work 4 weeks after Christmas, B is on the phone talking with me as he also is driving [...]

Booking.com is a scam

By |2022-01-13T13:53:29+00:00January 13th, 2022|Uncategorized|

When my daughter tested positive for covid the doctor suggested to have her isolated somewhere for 10 days. In her condition we didn’t want to take the risk in having her stay with us at that point her substance use had increased a lot and she was doing it intravenously. We have zero tolerance for [...]

January 2022 getting over covid

By |2022-01-11T13:16:28+00:00January 11th, 2022|Uncategorized|

This morning I am aware of a few parts showing up after this last night conflict episode with Bastiaan at home and Kiki over the phone earlier on at the hospital. I want you out of my life you trigger the hell out of me mom. Yes I trigger the hell out of you because [...]

Happy new year 2022

By |2022-01-09T13:41:57+00:00January 9th, 2022|Uncategorized|

Twenty years ago, in 2002, January, I was eight month pregnant. I knew I had a little girl inside me. I remember at times feeling anxious as I was connecting with her but not really knowing exactly why I felt this way. It seemed like an unknown yet intuitive, message sent out to my mind, [...]

More of a covid/addiction/homeless experience

By |2022-01-07T13:37:14+00:00January 7th, 2022|Uncategorized|

Right this second I am ever so grateful for the trees around our house the unpolluted pure air I am able to inhale. The nature, the birds the deers passing through and the squirrels chasing one another to probably stay warm and entertain my cats watching them through my two bedroom windows. It brings a [...]

Hi My friend thank you for your voice text last week… Thank you for giving me the information I was requesting about Kiki s court appearances. A bit happen since that day. Kiki tested positive for covid when she admitted herself into rehab, and so they turned her away and asked her to isolated for 10 days then come back…. At this point jobless homeless sick she s been going from couch to couch since there are no places for putting up homeless ppl infected with covid…. I doubt I will be celebrating xmass this year fully at peace in my heart, as it is too broken for celebrations, while witnessing my only child covering up her pain and suffering with something that could kill her anytime now however much of a dream this is I can not, not be affected by the way her life turned out to be…. The glimbs of hopes that I experience here and there are just little oasis to take a brief break before I continue on this heavy walk through the desert, it is cold and I m possibly too infected by COVID…. Symptoms of being unwell started showing up 3 days after I drove Kiki to unroll in the MAT recovery program and meet with Nicole in Baraboo to go over 2 hours of filling up paper work. Christmas might come a little later this time around. Perhaps after the new year when kiki’s words “to my last year alive” when we wished each other happy new year the 1rst of January 2021, have not come true. The part my last year alive to not come true But what if she meant, my last year alive while using fentanyl heroin and meth? Did she mean that 2022 will be be the year that gets her out of rehab with her monthly shot of Vivitrol following her recovery program? I am praying for her to not give up on herself these next coming 10 days and I am also praying for C to not stop her from getting herself into treatment if he makes it out of custody before she reaches the rehab place. After all as long as these two manage to not be around each other K might feel more motivated to reach her goal to her path of recovery. So far it looked like they were both setting each other up for failure for more chaos, for confusion brain fog and conflict. K needs an adversary with whom she can feed the part in her that loves arguing and uses this strategy to manipulates to get what ever wants crosses her mind in the moment. By the sound of it C looks like the perfect adversary and that is what she fell madly in love with. I saw how C just like I and her dad and most ppl around her let themselves slowly swim around the bait she so cleverly display in front of our eyes and suddenly have us bite on it it and get hooked. I am very aware that her strategies are not who k is in truth and that she uses them only and quite often to communicate how stoke and afraid she is in her ill condition and how lonely she feels in that state. How much she wants to have ppl in this circle she sees no way out. Even when a helping hand reaches out to her to slowly walk her out, she sees the hand, takes it, walks towards the line that defines her circle and the outside of it and when it s time for her to leap out petrified she pulls the hand toward her with all her strength and without knowing we find ourselves inside and the pain of that makes everyone push her away get out and walk away. As a result she feel betrayed and experiences abandonment her pain gets greater and the pain killer use her only help her only true friend. Inside that circle alone using drugs is her only way to not feel the pain of everyone walking away from her…. What is the solution for her and for anyone stock in a trap they can’t get out? A trap that enslaves the mind to suffering and the addiction to it? I m asking myself the question. Here is what comes. First notice that I trapped. Then realize that I m not trapped by anyone but by my own mind. Notice that The suffering is internal. Then wanting to end the inner suffering and staying open for a way out. The way out happens and along the way the inner machine who was use to me being trapped and suffering is still activate for a while and will set me up to return in that circle. High are the chances that I will return inside and feel trapped and become hopeless once again thinking this is it. This time I m not getting out of it until I die…. That muscle is weak still. The muscles that get me out of that circle is weaker then the muscle that keeps me in. It takes great effort to build that muscle. The burden of a mother is the suffering of her child dying. There is no way to deny and avoid the pain that comes with seeing one s own child drowning into darkness…. As much as I try, learn, to witness her nightmare above the battle ground the hand that I bring to her when she asks gets contaminated no matter what I do. I often hear don’t give her that hand, save yourself and I say she is myself and when it is given for me to help her in her nightmare I am learning to remember the truth as I walk

By |2021-12-23T19:07:48+00:00December 23rd, 2021|Uncategorized|

Dissociation and IFS

By |2021-11-14T16:42:07+00:00November 14th, 2021|Uncategorized|

I was describing to my IFS fellow traveler, feeling dense disconnected confused and heavy after having had an hour long conversation with my dad. I was very tempted to make him the one responsible for how I was feeling. My friends stops me and asks. Have you ever heard of dissociation? Parts in me went [...]


By |2021-10-08T11:58:08+00:00October 7th, 2021|Awakening|

I am not asking me to disconnect myself from the limited part of me which right now is my body and the intellect that accompanies the body through out the day. I am not asking me to fly off and dissociate with the body to remain only in this unlimited space that has the capacity [...]

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