Argument a sign of supressed pain not feeling safe

By |2020-11-16T13:45:12+00:00November 16th, 2020|Border Line Personality Disorder (BPD), Mental health, Non-Violent Communication (NVC), Parts Work|

The last 2 days were very challenging here at home. Saturday was full of firefighters exchanges between my daughter and I and Sunday the same but this time between my husband and my daughter..... I was able to recognise that the dynamic of defenses up, were actually protecting or looking out for a lack in [...]

If it s not love it s a program

By |2020-07-06T19:57:00+00:00December 9th, 2019|Mental health, Parts Work|

If it s not love..... It s a program... The programing, (the fear, the frustration, the anxiety, the hurt, all the feelings, the enemie Jesus talks about, the wounded child, the addict in self destruction or being it's perfect recovery self, the good guy the bad guy, the happy all the time peace and love [...]

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